Ali KARAYEL / Computer Engineer I was born in Antalya in 1982,
I started the Computer Department of the Technical High School in 1996.
The IT sector adventure in Antalya, which started with an internship in 1998, is now Karayel Arge Tasarım Ltd., which is Akdeniz University Technopolis. continues.
In 2006, i graduated from Eastern Mediterranean University Computer Engineering Department with Success Scholarship.
I have expertise in microsoft software for the IT industry and is a book writer and blogger on informatics
In the field of consultancy and application about web based software technologies,
As Google Digital Agency, i represented Google Company in seminars organized in non-governmental organizations such as Antalya Chamber of Commerce.
He is the founding partner of Karayel Ar-Ge Tasarım Ltd, which was added to the map as the first Google digital agency in Antalya.
The leading company in Turkey has been providing consultancy services in the digital agencies both in software projects.
I am the author of the book with E-Commerce with MICROSOFT ASP.NET MVC.
Our book you can reach all over the TURKIYE such as, D&R and the others. It contains e-commerce software information on technical transactions. Year our book was published in Turkey, Books Software House has been the best-selling book 2. According to the data. The second and up-to-date edition has been published, saying that our debt to the information sector increases as we share information.
Microsoft Configuring, Managing and Maintaining and Maintaining Windows Server 2012 based Servers participated in corporate training.
Microsoft 6419B:Configuring, Managing and Maintaining and Maintaining Windows Server 2008-based Servers participated in corporate training.
When i was a student years in studies on whether early detection of forest fires, which represents Turkey abroad, and have certified that the competition among all universities in The World
The IEEE Computer Society Seventh Annual International Design Competition Certificate of Participation presented to Ali Karayel of the Eastern Mediterranean University for the Project Forest Fire Detection System.On 1 June 2006 in Washington, DC Faculty of Engineering confers upon Ali Karayel the degree of Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Computer Engineering Honour with all its rights, privilegesans reponsibilities.Given under the seal of Eastern Mediterranean University.
In addition to my business life, i worked in leading non-governmental organizations in Antalya.
I am a Board Member of Antalya Association ( 2016 - 2017 )
I am a member of Yörük Industrialists Business People Association ( 2014 - 2021 )
TOBB Young Entrepreneurs are on the executive board. ( Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey - Antalya 2019 - 2023 )
i know English well
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